Az Egyesület a Humboldt-ösztöndíjasok tudományos és kulturális célú szervezete, amely kapcsolatot tart a különféle szakterületeken dolgozó ösztöndíjasokkal, az Alexander von Humboldt-Alapitvánnyal és a világ Humboldt-klubjaival.
The Association is a scientific and cultural organisation of the research fellows of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
It has contact with the Foundation, the Humboldt Clubs worldwide and research fellows working on different scientific fields.
Der Verein ist die wissenschaftliche und kulturelle Organisation der Humboldt-Stipendiaten und unterhält Verbindungen zu auf verschiedenen Fachgebieten arbeitenden Stipendiaten, zur Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung und zu den Humboldt-Klubs der Welt.
The Association is a scientific and cultural organisation of the research fellows of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. It has contact with the Foundation, the Humboldt Clubs worldwide and research fellows working on different scientific fields.
The Association organizes assemblies, meetings, scientific workshops and conferences, sends delagates to other Humboldt meetings, helps German researchers' visits in Hungary, and supports the foundation and activities of local Humboldt Clubs.
The Association established the Foundation of the Hungarian Humboldt Fellows in order to support the professional activities of the Association and its members. The Association publishes its own periodical "Humboldt-Nachrichten".
General Secretary
Prof. György Németh
Dr. András Patay-Horváth
Mailing address
Magyarországi Humboldt-Egyesület c/o ELTE BTK, Ókortörténeti tanszék 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6-8.